Land Available
Keighley Road, Laneshawbridge, Colne, Lancashire
Key Details
Commercial For Sale
Property Description
A fully enclosed site which is slightly elevated. To the front of the site there is a small former chapel and attractive housing. To the rear school playing fields and a generally open aspect.
The site will be accessed off Keighley Road and the access point has already been created and can be viewed on site.
The plot is situated on the outskirts of Laneshawbridge just off Keighley Road, close to its junction with Emmott Lane as indicated on the attached plan.
Colne town centre and its amenities are within a five minute drive and there is a main bus service along Keighley Road and a popular primary school situated just off Emmott Lane.
Accommodation/Site investigation
Site Area approx. 0.4 acres
We are advised that all mains services are available along Keighley Road, however interested parties must satisfy themselves as to the exact availability and capacity.
Planning was granted for 4 detached houses. Elevation and plot drawings are available on the website.
Gross internal floor areas are 1,323 sq.ft, 1,538 sq.ft, 1,495 sq.ft, and 1,743 sq.ft, Planning application number is 212/0583/REM (outline planning permission 18/0199/OUT).
There is currently an application to remove any affordable element if the density was to be increased and off site bus stop improvement works. There area also minor amendments to the house types.
On Application.
In addition to the land the owner would look also look to sell the Chapel as indicated in Blue on the plan.
Legal costs
Each Party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred.