Leisure Available
103 Blackburn Road, Accrington, Lancashire
Key Details
Commercial To Let
Property Description
The property is prominently positioned and has recently undergone a full refurbishment. It is currently used as a dessert parlour and has the benefit of a large display window providing excellent shop frontage. Internally the property is relatively open plan and comprises of a generously sized sales area with seating for 33 customers. It has a large kitchen on the ground floor with a further kitchen to the lower ground floor, which also has a store and both staff and customer WC's. The property is fully alarmed and has a state of the art CCTV system installed, and also has the benefit of a a central air conditioning system. It would ideally suit a tenant who is looking to open the same business however it would suit a variety of uses such as retail, hair and beauty, leisure etc. Please note, it is not suitable to be used as a takeaway as a late licence will not be granted. The property currently has several fridge/freezers, commercial blenders, waffle makers, microwaves, till and plenty of stock which are available to purchase by separate negotiation.
The property is situated on Blackburn Road which is a central thoroughfare within Accrington town centre. The area has recently undergone regeneration with the re-paving of the pedestrianised zones and introduction of free two hour roadside parking. Blackburn Road is a popular retail area with neighbouring occupiers including RBS, Nationwide and a host of independent takeaways and retailers.
Accommodation/Site investigation
Ground Floor 51.87 sq.m (558.32 sq.ft)
Lower ground floor 41.57 sq.m (447.45 sq.ft)
Total GIA (excluding WCs and storage) 93.44 sq.m (1,005.79 sq.ft)
The property has the benefit of mains electricity and water supply, along with central air conditioning. There is no gas at the property.
Services responsibility
It is the prospective tenant's responsibility to verify that all appliances, services and systems are in working order, and are of adequate capacity and suitable for their purpose.
We are advised that the property currently has Class E planning permission. It is the prospective tenants responsibility to verify that their intended use is acceptable to the local planning authority.
£695 (six hundred and ninety-five pounds) per calendar month.
The property is available by way of a new full repair and insuring lease for a minimum of 12 months. The landlord will re-charge the tenant for buildings insurance.
Legal costs
Each party is responsible for their own legal costs.